Money worries

Worried about your money?

If you’re worried about your money or think you may not be able to make your monthly payments, please get in touch. You can send us a message at Our aim is to get back to you within 2 working days. If you would like us to give you a call, please include your contact details. 

We know that dealing with money worries isn’t easy. But we’re here to support you. We will do everything we can to help. Remember, talking to us early is best. It will help us understand your situation better and will not affect your credit file. 

How we can help

We have a range of support options available. We just need to find the one that’s right for you. To do this we will need to: 

Talk to you about what’s going on. That way we will have a good understanding of your situation and what is worrying you. 

Take a fresh look at your finances.We want to make sure that any support we offer is affordable to you. We will ask you some questions about your income, spending and any debts that you have. It’s a good idea to have this information to hand when you call us. 

Discuss your options. We can talk you through the appropriate options that best suit your needs. These could include

  • Arranging a reduced payment plan with you, to make your mortgage more manageable. 
  • Changing the way you make your payments, or the date you make them on. 
  • Extending your mortgage term. This means you would pay your mortgage back over a longer period. Your monthly payments would reduce.  
  • Arranging a payment holiday. 
  • Temporarily or permanently agreeing for you to make interest only payments. 
  • Reducing your interest rate or changing how interest is calculated. 
  • Waiving capital and/or interest due. 

This list isn’t exhaustive. We will explain all the options available to you in detail. You can then take some time to decide which is best for you.  

Who else can help?

Sometimes it helps to talk to someone impartial about your money worries. There are lots of organisations out there to help. They can offer you free debt advice, help, support, and guidance. 

Stepchange logo

Offer free, impartial advice to get your finances back on track. 

Have a wide range of practical debt solutions to support your individual needs. 

Offer 24/7 support online.  Or you can talk to them over the phone if that works best for you. 

Call: 0800 138 1111

*Lines open Mon-Fri 8am-8pm and Sat 8am-4pm

Website: Go to StepChange

PayPlan logo

Offer free, confidential debt advice to help you with your money worries. 

Can provide a personalised action plans to support your individual needs. 

Offer 24/7 support online. Or you can talk to them over the phone if that works best for you. 

Call: 0800 280 2816

*Lines open Mon-Fri 8am-8pm and Sat 9am-3pm

Website: Go to PayPlan


Citizens Advice logo

Offer free advice on a range of topics, including benefits, debt, and your consumer rights. 

Can help with managing your money. They provide practical and impartial support online, in person or over the phone. 

Call: 0800 1448848 for England

Call: 0800 702 2020 for Wales

*Lines open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

Website: Go to Citizens Advice

MoneyHelper logo

Government-backed with advice on benefits, tax, pensions, homes, and savings. 

Offer money calculators, helpful articles, and regular updates. 

Support available online, over the phone or face-to-face. 

Call: 0800 138 7777  for money guidance

Call: 0800 011 3797  for pensions guidance.

*Lines open Mon-Fri 8am-6pm

Website: Go to MoneyHelper